University of North Carolina Greensboro
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA

IMPROVEY, which stands for: Independently Motivated Projects Rehabilitating Ourselves and Virtually Engaging Youth is a website I created for my final Peace and Conflict Studies course project. The goal of the project was to engage with the community while spreading the peace and conflict resolution tools we learned about in class. After volunteering for an after-school program for ages 5-7 and interning with my local police department, I came up with the idea of passion projects as way to make arts education and rehabilitation through the arts more accessible for my community - especially for young people. 

IMPROVEY would act as an interactive digital platform for young people to take virtual self-paced arts “courses” and then track their mood and journal about their experience in an effort to gain new outlets for the stress and conflicts of everyday life.

Here is how I described the purpose and mission of IMPROVEY on the website:

What happens when you mix the ease and convenience of learning new skills online with the relevance and importance of our mental health? Think of IMPROVEY like MasterClass or Skillshare meets BetterHelp, but for free and aimed at a young audience. Discover new ways to IMPROVE-Y yourself with creative outlets and passion projects.